The Next Gen

On a mission to reach one million students

Principals are bringing Jason in to talk with their students because they face many different and layered obstacles in their day to day life that he relates to in his own personal story. So many struggle with anxiety, depression, stress, pressure, self worth, confidence, to name a few.

School Assembly Programs with Jason Queen Youth Motivational Speaker and Student Retention Specialist

Using his story, and some of the principles that helped him along the way, Jason’s Assembly Program is one that will inspire and motivate your students to overcome the odds and help them reach their fullest potential and their deeper sense of purpose.

In Student Breakouts, Jason connects with students in a way that allows them to really engage personally and take next steps to become a rising star on their campus and in life. He gives them tools to not only achieve student success, but also their dreams.

In our Student Mentorship, Jason takes students on a journey of discovery. Students learn the value and practices of building a healthy mindset, lasting character, and life leadership skills. This is a turn-key program that schools can incorporate after assemblies and breakouts for lasting change not only for student success, but school culture as a whole.

In our Staff Development, Jason takes staff through his staff building program to encourage and re-energize them for what they get to do as educators. He walks through practical ways to enhance student relationships and shift classroom culture as well. Staff leave feeling inspired and grateful for what they get to do after Jason’s time with them.

Elevate your event with the electrifying presence of Jason Queen. As a keynote speaker, Jason embodies inspiration, empowerment, and transformative impact. With his magnetic charisma and unparalleled storytelling, he connects deeply with audiences, igniting a spark of motivation that propels individuals and organizations to greatness.

Experience the power of Jason's words as he unlocks hidden potential, challenges the status quo, and leaves a lasting imprint on your event. Choose Jason Queen as your keynote speaker and unleash a wave of inspiration and success.


youth motivational speaker  elevate your life school program, Motivation Inspiration Self-improvement Personal growth Success Mindset Positive thinking Goal-setting Overcoming challenges Productivity Time management Leadership Happiness Confidence Mi
Cultivating A Champion Mindset School Program Motivation Inspiration Self-improvement Personal growth Success Mindset Positive thinking Goal-setting Overcoming challenges Productivity Time management Leadership Happiness Confidence Mindfulness Gratit

Our programs are specifically and uniquely designed to help students overcome adversity, so they can improve student behaviors, attitudes, grades, and overall graduation rates, while increasing classroom participation at the same time. Students will identify the importance of their life choices right now, as well as the long term impact they can have on their dreams and goals, even if they may not be able to see it yet.

“Engaged Right Out The Gates” 

What Others Are Saying

“I’ve had the privilege of serving with Jason and he is not only a great speaker but an even better person. I’ve seen him inspire and motivate audiences to love, transformed through his passion, honesty, and creativity. If you’re looking for a great communicator for a small setting or thousands, he is your guy!”

— R. Shields, Administrator

Motivational Student Speaker, youth motivational speaker, keynote speaker, school assembly program, elevate your life school program, Motivation Inspiration Self-improvement Personal growth Success Mindset Positive thinking Goal-setting Overcoming ch

Jason’s Story

Coming up, Jason experienced a lot of academic, family, and social challenges. All of that led to failing classes, fighting, being labeled, drug and alcohol abuse, foster homes and being placed in programs. During his motivational speeches, he shares what changed his life, and how students can move forward too. Incorporating many of the same beliefs and principles that helped him, Jason has gone on to inspire thousands of other students with his message. Jason’s passion and life's work has been to help students and teachers become the best version of themselves.

Jason is an incredible communicator and an authority in the student speaking world. With two decades of experience as a youth specialist, he has the knowledge and expertise necessary to connect with students in a meaningful and clear way. He knows how to explain complicated topics in a way that resonates with students and encourages them to engage and learn. His track record of success speaks for itself, and his enthusiasm for students is infectious.

Jason is an incredible role model for students who are facing adversity. He has been able to help hundreds of students overcome and elevate their lives despite the challenges they face. His dedication and commitment to helping students reach their goals is truly inspiring. He exemplifies the power of perseverance and determination, and his work is a testament to the importance of having the right support system in place. He is a champion for all students facing hardship, and his guidance and advice will continue to benefit future generations.

“Fired Up Excited”

“Jason is not just an inspiration to our students, he’s an inspiration and motivator to all. I was inspired by his champion mindset for anyone!”

— M. Castillo, Administrator

Our mission is to empower every student to become a rising star on their campus by developing a strong mindset, creating a lasting character & learn life leadership skills.

“Blown Away”


“He Told The Ugly”

Bring Jason to your school, event, or conference!

What We Believe

We believe that every student can achieve their dreams no matter where they’ve been, what they’ve done, or what’s been done to them.

For us, we truly believe that if a student is deemed “at-risk”, labeled, or marginalized, there’s so much hope for them. We want to instill as much belief in them as we can. Our hope is to not only inspire them, but give them practical tools they can begin to use immediately to move towards student success.

We believe that any teacher can change a student’s life when they truly connect. They can build a relationship that can transform the way they do life.

We know that every teacher started in this career path because they wanted to make a difference. We also know that sometimes they feel burned out and instead of helping students flourish, or even flourishing themselves, they often get frustrated and start to lose sight of their “why”. We help teachers reconnect with their “why” and reconnect with their students. We know the power of relationship and how that can change a student’s life.

We believe that any school can elevate their culture. That no matter what it currently is, or has been, it can be better.

Culture is what students feel and experience in their classroom, not what the teacher says it is. We believe that every classroom has a culture, and every campus has a culture. But we also believe that no matter what it has been, when the leadership truly wants change for the better, we can elevate culture to a whole new place for everyone.

We believe that everything is possible & there is always hope. There’s nothing that’s too far gone.

What this means for us is simply that no matter how bad something may feel or actually be with students, in a classroom, or on a campus as a whole, with the right steps and the right attitude, there will always be hope, and that even the impossible can become possible. It’s time to ELEVATE!