To empower every student to become a rising star on their campus by developing a strong mindset, creating a lasting character & learn life leadership skills.


To see every school adopt this mentorship and empower their students to become rising stars who will carry the culture of their campus as leaders of today!

What’s Included

Weekly Videos

Each week there’s a 5-8 minute video that will be focused on one of three main categories: Mindset, Character, & Leadership. Each video is packed with truth that is communicated in a way that’s relevant and digestible for students. At the end of the content, 3 Big Questions will appear on screen for small group discussion time where they will circle up in groups of 3-5 to discuss it together. Once small group discussion ends, teachers will get to facilitate classroom discussion in their learnings and discoveries so everyone can elevate together.

Weekly Video

Teacher’s Guide

Each video comes with a built in description for teachers to navigate the lesson in a way that allows for maximum impact. It explains the topic, and the 3 Big Questions students will be answering in their discussion time. At the bottom there is a Lesson Plan PDF they can print off for their students before starting. Teachers should be able to facilitate a fun and safe environment to all learn together at the very end.

Teacher’s Guide

Student Lesson Plans

Each Lesson Plan has fill in the blanks from the video as well as the 3 Big Questions. Once the teaching is finished, they will have 5 minutes of time built into the video to circle up with 3-5 students to discuss it together. Once that is finished, teachers get to lead the classroom in discovering how each group answered those questions and what discoveries they made along the way. This is a great way for teachers to build trust, affirm students belief in themselves, and help them navigate the topics together.

Lesson Plan

Week 2 Streaming Beliefs Lesson Plan

Classroom Discussion

Each Lesson Plan is designed for students to discuss the topics in small groups to learn together. Being socially connected and forming safe relationships consistently over time is one of the number one, and most important ways we can empower these students. Once students finish their 5 minute group discussion, the teacher gets to facilitate group learning, where they get to ask the different groups about each question. Guide the discussion, affirm, celebrate & include as many groups as you can. This is an incredible way to build relationships, affirm students on their journey, & help them really lean into the topics as they learn and grow together.

Classroom Discussion

classroom discussion

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” — Denzel Washington.